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Monday, July 10, 2006 

It's (Almost) Never Too Late

62-Year-Old British Woman Gives Birth
LONDON (AP) - A 62-year-old child psychologist has given birth to a boy, becoming the oldest British woman to have a baby.

Patti Farrant - known professionally as Patricia Rashbrook - delivered her son, J.J., by Caesarean section on Wednesday, according to The Daily Mail newspaper. The baby was conceived after fertility treatments.

Farrant has three grown children from a previous marriage. It is the first child for her husband, John, 60, an education management consultant.

"He is adorable, and seeing him for the first time was beyond words," she told the newspaper. "Having been through so much to have him, we are overjoyed. His birth was absolutely wonderful and deeply moving for both of us."

Other older British mothers include Liz Buttle, from Wales, who was 60 when she gave birth to a son in 1997.

The oldest woman in the world to give birth is believed to be Romanian Adriana Iliescu, who was 66 when she had a daughter in Bucharest in January 2005.

They missed out one part:
Instead of saying,
"He is adorable,and seeing him for the first time"...

it should have said;
"He is adorable,and when I put on my bifocals I could see him for the first time"...

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  • Blogger kasamba on 2:31 am
    They missed out one part:
    Instead of saying,
    "He is adorable,and seeing him for the first time"...

    it should have said;
    "He is adorable,and when I put on my bifocals I could see him for the first time"...
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