UPDATE!: Today, Dave sent me an e-mail stating that now radio.blog has implemented something that will mask the real URL to the player. So, here's the solution to the problem:
Dave wrote:
RadioBlog has recently started masking the locations of their files by
putting "goto/1/25935.rbs" (just an example) for some songs. (others
you can still view the site address)
For songs like this, you actually have to click the song title, and once
the RadioBlog window comes up, if there is an image present, you can
right click the image, find out where it's hosted, and find the sound
directory just the same way. If no image is present, you can look for
negative white space, outside the flash boundaries where the blog is
ran, and click find out the properties of the radio blog, and access the
sound directory.
So, there you go. Thanks for the tip, Dave!
UPDATE (2)!: Today, Mystery Man CyanEyed sent me a tip on how to download songs from radio.blog through its new Blog This Track feature.
Mystery ManCyanEyed wrote:
based on your tutorial ive found an easier way to find the real url:
Once uve selected the song there will be a box on the right hand side of ur screen. it will be full of code to put the song into your own radioblog. in the code there is the real url for the track.
the rest is simple: download it off the url and change extension as u've already mentioned
Thanks for the tip, Mystery Man CyanEyed!
Here how it works:
So, again, using the same example, we choose a song. In this case, I chose "I've Got You Under My Skin" (one of my favourite songs as well). Instead of clicking the name, we click the little blue "play" button. Notice the Blog This Track column in the right hand side of the page; it now shows a textarea box where you can use the code to play the song from your web site (or to be put in your Myspace or Friendster profile). What you probably don't know is that the direct link to the song is stored in that code. Well, let's view the code:
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://stat.radioblogclub.com/radio.blog/skins/mini/player.swf" width="180px" height="23px" bgcolor="#ECECEC" id="radioblog_player_0" FlashVars="id=0&status=maximizeundefined&filepath=http://lfasm1.free
.fr/radio.blog/sounds/Frank Sinatra - I've Got You Under My Skin.rbs&colors=body:#ECECEC;border:#BBBBBB;button:#999999;player_
As you probably can guess, the info is stored in filepath=http://lfasm1.free.fr/radio.blog/sounds/Frank Sinatra - I've Got You Under My Skin.rbs
. All you have to do next is copy the link (just the link, omit the “filepath=” part) and download it. After that, as usual, rename the file to .mp3 from .rbs and you're all set!
Recent Comments
Her reaction was the same actually.
shame i didn't film it!
have you figured out how to upload?
Here goes, you need to setup your own radio.blog and this is what it invloves:
First you should read this link http://forums.radioblogclub.com/viewtopic.php?t=169, it will tell you how to upload your music once you have got your radio.blog.
Second, this link over here will give you a list of places to host your radio.blog http://forums.radioblogclub.com/viewtopic.php?t=2144.
Third, here is where the french comes in, you can watch a visual presentation of how to install and upload your music through the radio.blog program - http://www.radioblogclub.com/tutorial_fr/. (note that you will be downloading version 2.5 and it is the bottom left hand corner of the home page)
I did not try do the whole process myself, I don't currently have the time and the patience, but i will be interested to hear if you managed.
Good luck!!
How is the loft treating you?
S. B.
go straight to update 2.
i am still trying to figure out how to upload songs.