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Tuesday, October 10, 2006 

Music for Free

Now this is what I call technological advancement...

Click on the image to take you to a web site that you can have your own personalised i-pod with hunreds of thousands of songs to choose from...for free! And you get to choose your own colour i-pod!!

thanks. now i have this one for the user friendliness and radioblogclub cuz they have a lot more songs.

i just found this website with a tutorial on downloading songs from radio.blog
go straight to update 2.

i am still trying to figure out how to upload songs.

You are awesome! At one point i did try to to do this but i did not give it too much effort. I wonder if they will start tracking IP addresses that do this...

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  • Anonymous Anonymous on 6:46 am
    thanks. now i have this one for the user friendliness and radioblogclub cuz they have a lot more songs.
  • Anonymous Anonymous on 7:03 pm
    i just found this website with a tutorial on downloading songs from radio.blog
    go straight to update 2.

    i am still trying to figure out how to upload songs.
  • Blogger Pesach on 3:03 am
    You are awesome! At one point i did try to to do this but i did not give it too much effort. I wonder if they will start tracking IP addresses that do this...
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