Hilarious Videos
Funny videos of pranks and others are largely entertaining. Everyone likes a good laugh and everyone appreciates them especially when the joke is on somebody else. Most people don't really wish that pranks like these were done on themselves, unless you are a good sport. Are you a good sport?
Having internet access since I was 13, I came accross loads of funny video clips of which I will try to pull up on this post. Ispired by a couple of recent ones, here they are with some more:
Random Thoughts is currenlty showing two hilarious videos: The Water Bed Prank and Play Simon Say with Mad Mullah. Of the two I find the forst one funnier. I think this is because I am not exactly sure what is supposed to be going on in the second one, you tell me. Maybe a short synopsis will inspore you to chose which to chosose. The Water bed prank is a video in a department store where a normal looking water bed is a real water bed in that when you sit on it you get wet! and this is repeted numerous times to different people. The second one is a music video combined with some sort of speech from a seemigly "ordained" arab who goes crazy and looks as if he is a performer for the music video.
From this blog comes a larious video of George Bush, whom we all know so well, answering a question on sovereignty. This one is deffinately worth a peek, there is only one person who can do this.
From YouTube.com comes another video that is deffinately acted out but still as funny as if it wasn't. The Glass Door Prank is a hilarious prank played on someone using a glass door! Funny how the title describes the description! My reccomendation is to watch this one at least twice to understand what is going on and to appreciate the slickness.
Prabably one of the oldest prank videos I remeber from the internet is this one with the Electric Shock.
Even if you have seen this one it will always be funny: Garage Door Prank.
How about acting dead?!
A few on elevator pranks, #1, #2 and #3.
Not neccesarily funny but this one is cute. What would the simpsons look like if the characters were real? Find out here.
You will be surprised how many talented people there are out there. The Piano Juggler, Skateboard Tricks, Pool Tricks, and some Motorbike Tricks.
Having internet access since I was 13, I came accross loads of funny video clips of which I will try to pull up on this post. Ispired by a couple of recent ones, here they are with some more:
Hope you enjoyed some of these videos, I will be back with some more so keep posted.