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Sunday, March 19, 2006 

Hilarious Videos

Funny videos of pranks and others are largely entertaining. Everyone likes a good laugh and everyone appreciates them especially when the joke is on somebody else. Most people don't really wish that pranks like these were done on themselves, unless you are a good sport. Are you a good sport?

Having internet access since I was 13, I came accross loads of funny video clips of which I will try to pull up on this post. Ispired by a couple of recent ones, here they are with some more:

  • Random Thoughts is currenlty showing two hilarious videos: The Water Bed Prank and Play Simon Say with Mad Mullah. Of the two I find the forst one funnier. I think this is because I am not exactly sure what is supposed to be going on in the second one, you tell me. Maybe a short synopsis will inspore you to chose which to chosose. The Water bed prank is a video in a department store where a normal looking water bed is a real water bed in that when you sit on it you get wet! and this is repeted numerous times to different people. The second one is a music video combined with some sort of speech from a seemigly "ordained" arab who goes crazy and looks as if he is a performer for the music video.

  • From this blog comes a larious video of George Bush, whom we all know so well, answering a question on sovereignty. This one is deffinately worth a peek, there is only one person who can do this.

  • From YouTube.com comes another video that is deffinately acted out but still as funny as if it wasn't. The Glass Door Prank is a hilarious prank played on someone using a glass door! Funny how the title describes the description! My reccomendation is to watch this one at least twice to understand what is going on and to appreciate the slickness.

  • Prabably one of the oldest prank videos I remeber from the internet is this one with the Electric Shock.

  • Even if you have seen this one it will always be funny: Garage Door Prank.

  • How about acting dead?!

  • A few on elevator pranks, #1, #2 and #3.

  • Not neccesarily funny but this one is cute. What would the simpsons look like if the characters were real? Find out here.

  • You will be surprised how many talented people there are out there. The Piano Juggler, Skateboard Tricks, Pool Tricks, and some Motorbike Tricks.

  • Hope you enjoyed some of these videos, I will be back with some more so keep posted.

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