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Friday, June 30, 2006 

I Give In

Most people like to keep their blog private and not let anyone know who they are. I think it should not be like this.

I have been debating this for a long time, and I came to the conclusion that I should post pictures of myself.

Why read a blog of someone you don't know or don't even know what he looks like?!

I therefore put together a little album with pictures of myself, and a couple of of my friends, so that next time you come to my blog you can say "oh, he wrote it".

Here it is, enjoy.

It was worth a try anyhow, and it was just for a laugh.

BD, please admit that you did try ;)

nice one. like it.

dont know if your a matisyahu fan. anyway, here's a link to matisyahu doing some of his hits in an aol studio. nice videos! i dont think you can embed it into your blog.


Thanks for that BD, although i am not sure what you saw whn you clicked on it. I n any case I am alot hotter than that.

RB, thanx for that. NOt a huge Matis fan, although I do like some of his songs. His style reggea never really got to me. But I will check em out and publish them.

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  • Blogger Pesach on 3:04 am
    It was worth a try anyhow, and it was just for a laugh.

    BD, please admit that you did try ;)
  • Anonymous Anonymous on 5:52 pm
    nice one. like it.

    dont know if your a matisyahu fan. anyway, here's a link to matisyahu doing some of his hits in an aol studio. nice videos! i dont think you can embed it into your blog.

  • Blogger Pesach on 9:06 pm
    Thanks for that BD, although i am not sure what you saw whn you clicked on it. I n any case I am alot hotter than that.

    RB, thanx for that. NOt a huge Matis fan, although I do like some of his songs. His style reggea never really got to me. But I will check em out and publish them.
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