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Friday, September 08, 2006 

TFD: Personalities

Inspired by a conversation I had with an aqauintance/customer from the place I work, I would like to hear your opinion on what you think of this type of therapy.

A couple of years back I met this guy whose father had somewhat of a backward profession. I am sure you are aware that there are people out there who will for a small price analyse your handwriting and give you a broad insight into your character and personality. This guys father actually does the opposite, he will train you to write in a certain manner, as a form of therapy, that will force a change of character!

I was quite surprised that this is true, but I never the less believe it to work. I believe that because human beings are somewhat shallow and external people, it is possible for us to change the external so that it will affect the internal, maybe kind of like 'you get good at what you practise'.

Interesting! What do you think?

P.S. TFD = Topic for Discussion (I know you knew!)

I'm desperate for his phone number!!!!!

TNC, I think you would have to be open mided, like most therapy I suppose.

Kasamba, It is actually quite simple, just stop making those T's looking like daggers and those J's like blood drops - you'll be fine ;)

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