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Friday, May 19, 2006 

Absolutely Everything on Google Video

Two Yartzeit Tishen in 2005 in memory of the 26th Hillula of Grand Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, zy"a, Satmar Rebbe, author of ... all "VaYoel Moshe"

1.) In Camp Divrei Yoel in Swan Lake, NY, with the previous Satmar Rebbe, Grand Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, zt"l, and his sons, Rabbi Lipa Teitelbaum, shlit"a, and Rabbi Zalmand Leib Teitelbaum, shlit"a, and his son-in-law Rabbi Chaim Shia Halberstam, shlit"a.

2.) In Kiryas Joel, Monroe, NY, lead by Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, shlit"a, eldest son of the previous Rebbe, presently the Grand Rabbi of Satmar, shlit"a.

hey, so i guess everyone does their own thing with their blog... you certainly have.
cool. when billy bob's sound card (bc hes good but i can give him up if i get something better) starts working again, maybe ill even be able to get some sound from these clips.

My blog equals "A compilation of the many posts and news I read at other blogs etc. Occasional self composed posts are possible."

Hope you enjoy them when you get your sound working.

I think I kinda prefer that BD. Isn't it better than being a "ranter of rubbish"?

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  • Anonymous Anonymous on 6:53 pm
    hey, so i guess everyone does their own thing with their blog... you certainly have.
    cool. when billy bob's sound card (bc hes good but i can give him up if i get something better) starts working again, maybe ill even be able to get some sound from these clips.
  • Blogger Pesach on 12:40 pm
    My blog equals "A compilation of the many posts and news I read at other blogs etc. Occasional self composed posts are possible."

    Hope you enjoy them when you get your sound working.
  • Blogger Pesach on 1:17 am
    I think I kinda prefer that BD. Isn't it better than being a "ranter of rubbish"?
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