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Thursday, May 18, 2006 

National Prank

If you play the national lottery online you will be able to get reminders to buy new tickets and they will even send you a notice when you win.

The other day I checked my e-mail and I see the following:

Dear Pesach,

We have some exciting news about the ticket that you bought for the Friday 12 May draw. Please Sign In to your Account at the National Lottery website for more details.

Kind Regards
Interactive Customer Care

Now I may be very opinionated about many things in this world but please take my side on this one. Is winning £6.50 considered exciting news?! Now you might say that "

The moral of the story is, that when you get an e-mail like this, don't call your boss and quit your job before you sign into your account. I was already planning on how I was going to spend the money when I saw this e-mail, I just had to reduce plans by about a millionth and settle for a schwarma.

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