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Thursday, May 11, 2006 


Found thses videos on Google Video, they are absolutely fantastic. Here is what the site had to to say:

Animusic is a content creation company. Our principal focus is the production of 3D computer graphics music animation. We primarily create original content, such as our "video album", but have also produced animation for clients.

Both the graphics and the music are entirely digitally synthesized. Virtual instruments are invented by building computer graphics models of objects that would appear to create the sound of the corresponding music synthesizer track. Graphical instruments range from being reminiscent of existing instruments to arbitrarily abstract.

From the fist Animusic DVD. Pipe Dream has been voted one of the best 3D animation projects ever (by 3D World magazine). Metal balls fly out of PVC pipes, land on percussion and string instruments, and sound out an instrumental piece of music.

From the Animusic 2 DVD - A robot band kicks out an odd-time, laser-infused techno-rock tune while riding on top of their musical starship.

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