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Wednesday, May 10, 2006 


Awesomely Long List Of Ortho-Blogs is a long list of Ortho blogs!

Recently advertised at Prety Green Eyes is this (above) fantastic blogspot that not only lists a full list of Ortho blogs it also has a list of the most recently updated ones too.

My only complaint is "where am I"?

I didn't check for yours, but it should be in alphabetical order.

It is quite sad that there are so many issues (people with issues)out there, I don't wanna kill myself yet. There is so much beauty out there, people just seem to focus on the negative though.

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  • Blogger Pesach on 4:47 pm
    I didn't check for yours, but it should be in alphabetical order.

    It is quite sad that there are so many issues (people with issues)out there, I don't wanna kill myself yet. There is so much beauty out there, people just seem to focus on the negative though.
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