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Monday, May 15, 2006 

Relief Isn't Even the Right Word

I have finished my exams for year two at University! (And I think I did pretty well, which is surprising because I didn't do much work).

Good luck to all those who still need to take their exams, and blessings to all that have also finished!

I knew you guys were all still taking exams, so I figured I would just spurr a little jealousy ;)

Last night (the night after my last exam) I got wasted! I had to make up for all the many weeks that I stayed off the drinks. Party hard when you finish, it is your fuel for a new year.

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  • Blogger Pesach on 10:59 am
    I knew you guys were all still taking exams, so I figured I would just spurr a little jealousy ;)

    Last night (the night after my last exam) I got wasted! I had to make up for all the many weeks that I stayed off the drinks. Party hard when you finish, it is your fuel for a new year.
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