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Sunday, May 07, 2006 

Amazing Guitarist Kid!

I don't know who this is or anything about it, all I know is that I found this in the randomly selected videos on Google Video - it is just a kid who play amazingly, there is no hope for us.

He is pretty good.

It is from google video (http://video.google.com). They have an option called "embed" on the right hand side of all the video's. Copy and paste it into a post, "html editor" only. Make sure you don't switch to "compose" before you publish, I think it messes it up.

Hope this is all not jiberish to you.

Same place. If you don't already have google mail, you can set up an account at Google Video.

You then have to download a program that allows you to upload videos. Google will verify the contents of the video and make it "live" usually within a day (sometimes more, like on weekends).

See the site for all the details. It is an awesome website, you can upload as many and however big videos you want, and they are saved in your profile for good.


Oh yea - Hi Pesach :-D

Hello to you too JB! We always find the time to blog, with all the exams and stresses in the world. ;)

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  • Blogger Pesach on 4:48 pm
    He is pretty good.

    It is from google video (http://video.google.com). They have an option called "embed" on the right hand side of all the video's. Copy and paste it into a post, "html editor" only. Make sure you don't switch to "compose" before you publish, I think it messes it up.

    Hope this is all not jiberish to you.
  • Blogger Pesach on 5:22 pm
    Same place. If you don't already have google mail, you can set up an account at Google Video.

    You then have to download a program that allows you to upload videos. Google will verify the contents of the video and make it "live" usually within a day (sometimes more, like on weekends).

    See the site for all the details. It is an awesome website, you can upload as many and however big videos you want, and they are saved in your profile for good.
  • Blogger JB on 6:16 pm

    Oh yea - Hi Pesach :-D
  • Blogger Pesach on 6:23 pm
    Hello to you too JB! We always find the time to blog, with all the exams and stresses in the world. ;)
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