Friday, September 22, 2006 

Happy and Sweet New Year


As individuals and as a nation we should need only know happiness.
After all we have gone through it is owed to us now more than ever.
Rosh Hasonoh is a time to repent and recognise that there is someone above controlling this world.
Accepting this and asking for forgiveness for the times that we failed ourselves allows for the blessings to pour in.
May me we merit not only happiness and health for the coming year, only the ultimate happiness with Moshiach in Jerusalem.

The power of the shofar.
(works best with a bit of humour)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006 

Prank at the Mall


Unlucky Yobos

Britain's unluckiest football team?

A North Yorkshire football team reckon they are the unluckiest side in Britain.

Some of the Wills Bar FC team say they will quit the side after the latest run of bad luck, reports York Press.

It started when they turned up for a home game against Dunnington to find their pitch had been double-booked.

No other local pitch was available, so they had to drive 20 miles to Dunnington to play the 'home' York Sunday Afternoon League clash away.

Team manager Steve Baxter, 20, saidd: "We went out and played the game and got totally stuffed 8-0 by Dunnington, so the mood wasn't all that great when we got back to the changing rooms.

"But when we did get back we found that our wallets and mobile phones had all been stolen.

"I don't know what you would call it. I suppose you could say it's extreme bad luck, because I don't think anyone was particularly targeting our things."

The previous week, four players had their cars broken into while they had been playing football on pitches behind York's Knavesmire.

Mr Baxter added: "It's a sad state of affairs, but we have a few players who have told me they are not going to play any more because of this, because at some point it stops being enjoyable when this kind of thing happens."


Music: Dolphin's Cry


Biker God

Every bikers role-model right here.



Lizard jumps on news anchor in Arlington, TX


Whose Baby?!


Movies: Borat!

Definitely a must see!!!


Wallpaper: Noir Bleu


Nasrallah New Video Release

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 

TFD: Rip Off's

Not a very interesting discussion for the most part of all of you, more like a rant, but...

Some bastards broke into my car for the third time the other day, they thought that for a £10 (in 50p's and £1's) benefit of theirs, the guys who's car it is should suffer losses of up to £120. Nothing selfish or inconsiderate in that is there?

Anyhow, a quick call to Honda almost gave me a heart atack when they wanted £120 for a little corner glass no bigger than the both of my hands. Going second hand would have costed me £70 from my "all-honest-earner" mechanic friend. Forced conclusion - a trip down to a local car breaker. Price: Glass, icluding all the fittings = a tenner, labour and parts = a bit of elbow grease, half hours work and some swarfega to clean my hands, total = £10 and a huge grin.

Now tell me as a consumer I am not getting ripped off! Dealership outright blind; local mechanic crook who would have made 30 quid on the part and another £40 for 15 minutes work (if my math is right that is 160 smackers per hour!).

Where do we get that back from, what goes around comes around? I think it is more like what comes around goes around only to never be seen again.

DIY vs ROB, which will it be?

P.S. ROB = Ripped off blind (and DIY = Do it Yourself ;))


Music: Man on the Moon

Mellow out to some...


Dida Cona Sari Ting

Here is something for the staff at honda to learn a thing or two about domino-dominated advertising.

Whatever "dida cona sari tingy ting" means I don't think I will ever know. I does get better and better though, only don't tell anyone you spent 12 minutes watching this stuff!


Everything Sexier in Paris


Love Mirrored Back as Hate


Wallpaper: Chill


Catch Me If You Can

Monday, September 11, 2006 

Perfect Image: Sky Ctio

Friday, September 08, 2006 

TFD: Personalities

Inspired by a conversation I had with an aqauintance/customer from the place I work, I would like to hear your opinion on what you think of this type of therapy.

A couple of years back I met this guy whose father had somewhat of a backward profession. I am sure you are aware that there are people out there who will for a small price analyse your handwriting and give you a broad insight into your character and personality. This guys father actually does the opposite, he will train you to write in a certain manner, as a form of therapy, that will force a change of character!

I was quite surprised that this is true, but I never the less believe it to work. I believe that because human beings are somewhat shallow and external people, it is possible for us to change the external so that it will affect the internal, maybe kind of like 'you get good at what you practise'.

Interesting! What do you think?

P.S. TFD = Topic for Discussion (I know you knew!)


Perfect Image: Duck


Music: Miserable

Not a classic but just a song of the past.


Music For Fun

Ok I am not quite sure, but - coooooool! (Well the idea at least. I probably would have changed the costumes, backgroung, scenery...probably everything but the treadmills).


OK Go, Dancing on Treadmills Buy the album at iTunes: More OK Go: (music_video)


Wallpaper: Technical Imperfection


Paint Ball Shooting/Exploding

Now this is a cool way to redecorate!


It Take All Sorts To Make A World

Man stole shoes from disabled

A 39-year-old man from southern Sweden is suspected of stealing socks and shoes from women in wheelchairs.

The man, who is now in custody, reportedly took one handicapped woman into a building and rolled her into a closet before stealing one sock and one shoe.

In another case, the man supposedly tried to rob a wheelchair-bound woman of a sock and shoe while in an elevator. She was able to set off an alarm scaring the man away.

“The man is also suspected of stealing socks from stores,” said Torbjörn Carlson, police spokesman, according to Expressen.

The man was busted by police after several reports came in complaining of a sock thief. Witnesses were able to give a good description of him.

Police found hundreds of pairs of socks and many shoes at the man’s house during a search. The man in custody has confessed, saying his only goal was to collect the socks and shoes.


Freshly Grown/Live Contents


This Spot Is For You

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 

Freshly Squeezed

P*ssing myself laughing! (Click on image to watch clip)

Candid Camera Lemonade Stand

Monday, September 04, 2006 

Funky Plan to Take Over the World (Musicly)

Here is your chance to share your unique taste of music to the world, and give yourself the chance to be in something that may very well be a full blown revolution!

Here is a clip of post from a fellow blogger. Read it and you will understand what you could be part of!

I have stumbled across a account while typing in random stuff in the login box. I have made myself quite at home there and probably could claim ownership in certain states as uncostested blah blah blah. wateva.

Anyhew, I have made some playlists and love the whole idea. I'd love to let my playlist out to the discerning and highly critical ears of my loyal readers. That is to say, let my readers become my listeners. Albeit listen to the stuff I listen to. (I rarely get to use that word and probably just used it wrong, but WOW, do I feel inteligent).

Plus, I want YOU to make playlists so that I, and other experimentees can know what you like to listen to. Kind of a "I'll show you mine if you show me yours". What does that even mean?

I made a new account: Login: randombochur Password: randombochur

(Oh, and they come with two ready made playlists. Silly.)

If we use that up, someone make a new one and put a number, i.e. randombochur2, 3, yada yada.

Here ya go:

Making new playlists:

1. Log in
2. On the top (grey area) of the page, click on "favorites"
3. Near the top, centre of the page, click on "create a playlist"
4. In the search bar, type in the song your searching for
5. Next to the song is a grey heart. Roll your mouse over it and a menu will drop down with the list of playlists. Simply select the one you want and click.

Listening to your/our toonz:

1. Log in
2. On the top (grey area) of the page, click on ""
3. The listening station will pop open in a new window. Near the bottom there is drop down menu to select the playlist you want to listen to.
4. Click on any song to listen to it and it will continue playing the list from that point.

"Every man on his own has the power to change the world". Revolution here we come!


Reprimanded Rightfully

Ever wish you could try stop people from doing stupid things on the road, well here is your chance.

A lot of people do stupid things on the road and it is annoying. Only when people do stupid things on the road and while they are mobile that is only plain and uteerly outright....stupid.

The following link will allow you to advertise the liscence plates of those drivers that selfishly and stupidly park their vehicles only to be of obstruction.

Awesome idea if you ask me, I think thwy should also make a blogspot to advertise the sweet and lovely elderly (or make an extra lane for them).

Saturday, September 02, 2006 

Do Your Duty

From our Israeli friends Keta Keta who brought us Make Love, Not Terror; Make Love, Not War; Holy Virals (Hetro and Gay) and more (all of ... all » which you can view on their site), comes this video promoting the word's first Jewish social network., Koolanoo. In the video, there's the usual ogling men do when a woman drops her robe and struts alongside a pool in a bikini but when one guy realizes she's wearing the star of David as he is, he feels obliged to enage in some protective action.

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