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Sunday, March 26, 2006 


(Rolling on the Floor Laughing My Ass Off!!)

If you want to see the funniest football bloopers in history then click here. Even if you can't appreciate how funny it is, at least enjoy some quality music producing from the english studios.

P.S. For those of you that do not know much about football, half way through the video where the guy in the black top and shorts gets hit, its the referee that gets hit!

Post Update

Sorry about the broken link, it is now fixed.

How dumb do you have to be?!

Here is a funny story I heard: Dentist accidently pricks herself with a needle from an injection just used on a patient. The patient sees this and feels obligated to tell the dentist that she is HIV positive. The dentist runs off to hospital in a panic only to be accompanied by her practising nurse who also "accidently" pricked herself with the same needle, after she new it was from this patient, when trying to dispose of it! Now how do you explain that?! (story is 100% true believe it or not)

re post: I admit that some of them were not so funny, but were you not laughing your ass off by some of them?!

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  • Blogger Pesach on 3:44 pm
    How dumb do you have to be?!

    Here is a funny story I heard: Dentist accidently pricks herself with a needle from an injection just used on a patient. The patient sees this and feels obligated to tell the dentist that she is HIV positive. The dentist runs off to hospital in a panic only to be accompanied by her practising nurse who also "accidently" pricked herself with the same needle, after she new it was from this patient, when trying to dispose of it! Now how do you explain that?! (story is 100% true believe it or not)

    re post: I admit that some of them were not so funny, but were you not laughing your ass off by some of them?!
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