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Tuesday, May 30, 2006 

No Army Like Israel

I know I say that all my videos are a "must watch", however this one is really a must watch! Make time for this 45 minute video of the raid on a nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981. The attack was majourly critisized by almost every politician in almost every country, however a couple of years later when America had to go in there was not one person that did not recognise that it would have been extremely difficult if not for this brave mission.

The video when I watched it was slightly jumpy and the sound did not always keep up with the video, but it is an amazing video never the less. This video displays tactic, courage and everything that us as a Jewish Isreali nation had to and have to go through. Make the time to watch it and pass it onto your friends.

The story of the IAF's attack on the Iraqi Nuclear reactor near Baghdad in June 1981.

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