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Monday, June 19, 2006 

Stainless Paint

This is definitely new technology for kids to paint and not get their cloths dirty.

Mind you, Persil may have a problem and attempt to sue, there will be no need for the "clean kids cloths" because they won't be dirty no more. All the money they have spent on splash paint advertising will have gone for nothing!

On another note, this is for adults too.

The only reason why we don't sit on the floor and splash paint on an empty coarse A3 sheet of recycled paper is because a) we don't want to get dirty (because only we would have to clean it up and not Mommy) and b) because we embarrassed from the public.

I therefore propose the perfect solution. Click on the thumbnail above, and you will be able to do all the splash painting you have been deprived of since you were a kid, and it's from the privacy of your own computer room!

Hint: click the mouse button to change colours.


Oh, and the one above is one of my own creations!

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