Stay Off the Doobie
I love Family Guy! It is a bit of a remake of the Simpsons as a lot of the ideas and jokes are copied, but the characters are just too good. My favorite is Stewie.
NOw if you haven't already wathced the Family Guy and are not familiar with Stewie, here is a short run down before you get watching. Stewie is a todler in diapers who has the mond of an adult. He talks in a strong british accent and is out to kill his mother - evil. With that here is an introduction:
And the famed Stewie!...
A bit to pressing...
NOw if you haven't already wathced the Family Guy and are not familiar with Stewie, here is a short run down before you get watching. Stewie is a todler in diapers who has the mond of an adult. He talks in a strong british accent and is out to kill his mother - evil. With that here is an introduction:
And the famed Stewie!...
A bit to pressing...
Stewie teases Brian about the novel he's never finished... after 3 years.
LOL! The family guy is hillarious, my friends got me to watch a few episodes and it had me cracking up, stewie rocks.
Posted by Chasidishe Shaigitz | 8:17 am
Here here. Get watching, they only get funnier.
Posted by Pesach | 1:21 pm