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Tuesday, March 21, 2006 

Arts and Crafts of Today!

Theres this game that bloggers play where they interview each other asking 5 (non-personal) questions. The rules are something like:
1) Leave a comment asking 5 questions
2) Blogger answers the questions
3) Blogger updates blog/site with the answers to the questions.
4) Blogger includes the rules and can offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5) When others comment asking to be interviewed you will ask them five questions.

So here are my questions:
1) If you were in a really bad mood, Whats the one thing that would cheer you up?
2) What is your favorite website?
3) On a date would you ever let a girl pay half, even if she really wanted to?
4) If you had one wish, only one, what would you wish for?
5) You’re presented with 3 girls:
a) Shes pretty, nice but is not so slim.
b) Shes nice, slim, but not so pretty.
c) Shes gourgeous but not so nice.
Which would you choose?

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  • Anonymous Anonymous on 11:45 pm
    Theres this game that bloggers play where they interview each other asking 5 (non-personal) questions. The rules are something like:
    1) Leave a comment asking 5 questions
    2) Blogger answers the questions
    3) Blogger updates blog/site with the answers to the questions.
    4) Blogger includes the rules and can offer to interview someone else in the same post.
    5) When others comment asking to be interviewed you will ask them five questions.

    So here are my questions:
    1) If you were in a really bad mood, Whats the one thing that would cheer you up?
    2) What is your favorite website?
    3) On a date would you ever let a girl pay half, even if she really wanted to?
    4) If you had one wish, only one, what would you wish for?
    5) You’re presented with 3 girls:
    a) Shes pretty, nice but is not so slim.
    b) Shes nice, slim, but not so pretty.
    c) Shes gourgeous but not so nice.
    Which would you choose?
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