Friday, March 31, 2006 

Electric Fence

I Don't know why this is so funny, it just is. You really have to watch it mora than once, unless you don't appreciate my type of humour. (Bit perverted to laugh at other people distress).


Osamas Death Tape - Family Guy


Sean Paul Interpretation

Really cool video...


Men - To Be or Not To Be?

I was reminded of something that really bothers me when I was reading an article on another blog today.

Why is it that women seem to find the urge to encourage there spouses (boyfriends, husbands and friends) to dress up like women? We do not need to go and change our wardrobe, we do not not as much hair-gel/hair-sprays/lip-gloss/etc as you do. We are quite happy with our 3 year old jeans and t-shirts. We don't need to wear pink shirts and polonecks, nor do we have to wear shirts that show our figure. We sympathise with your fantasy of homosexuals, but some fantasies are supposed to be kept to yourself, e.g.....

I think the worst part about this though is, those guys who actually give in and end up looking like chicks. For the same price they may as well put on a hat with fruits to go with their flowery shirt and hamster leg trousers. Where is your sel respect? Man = "man" and women = "women", same as closet = "for cloths" and outside the closet = "for you".

We don't tell you what to wear, we may reccommend a reduce amount but we don't give you a our cloths and say "honey you would look so much better in these, and if you love me you would change for me". Please don't mix in.

Thursday, March 30, 2006 

Lamborghini VS Ducati - Who Will Win?


The Good Thing About Quadruplets(?!)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 

Israeli Music

I used to have a huge collection of Israeli music mp3's, and I seem to have lost it recently. I was just reinspired to start listening to Isreali music again when I logged on to J Events, as they have isreali music playing the background. I therefore decided to search for some online radios.

I first came up with 102 fm, but they seem to have a lot of other music besides for the Isreali stuff - defeats the purpose.

I then stumbled on ehre they have a couple of links to online radio stations. I am currently listening to Reshet Gimmel 97.8 fm, so far so good.

Leave a comment if you have any Isreali music radio stations that play mainly Isreali stuff.

P.S. On May 21st, Subliminal is coming to london and I am going! You can check out this event and others (and listen to a mix of jewish music in the backgound for free) at J Events.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 

An Effort to "Keep Britain Tidy"

I got my car washes today! It cost me £10, but it was worth it, these guys always do a good job. A bit of a gay sounding carwash though - "Strawberry Bubbles". When I first started going there, they would actually wash your car with strawberry smelling soap, spray the inside with strawberry air-freshener and even hang a strabbery smelling think on your mirror. They dumped the hanging thing, but you do still drive out of there with a nice smelling car until the air pollution gets into your vents, usually about three days later.

When I was there I reminded myself of a really funny prank in a car wash place, and I told myself I have to find it and post it. I searched everywhere for it but couldn't find it. What I did find instead, is this video here, it is hilarious too:

The one I am looking for is a prank in a gas station where the guy washing your car has this bucket that honks, and he makes it sound like you are trying to piss him off. If you have seen it and know where it is then please post the link.

Here is another prank that I saw around the same time, a bit corny but...

Enjoy the rest of your day.


Towards a Better Future


Beautiful Disaster has been added to "blogs I read".

(Yes there is room for being flattered)

Monday, March 27, 2006 

If You Want to Say it, Say it That I Understand it

In an article by The Shaigetz on 26 March titled Oh My Goy, he writes how when you hear a frum guy in London saying "my goy will take care of this", he does not mean it in any way derogatory. I don't think I can say that I entirley agree with his opinion but I will give them the benefit of the doubt. It is a nice article, read it.

However, one thing that does bother me is this. To your any other person, if you are upset with something they did, or you feel in some way that you need to curse them out, you do so in a way that they understand. Why is it though that when people from Stamford Hill when wishing to curse a non-jew out they do so in yiddish or in hebrew?

I had an experience once where I work, where a customer was upset at something one of the guys I work with did and called him a chamor. It so happened to be that the worker did know what chamor means, and was disgusted and pissed to say the least.

If you feel so religious that you don't think you should be cursing, then don't curse at at all, and if you do wish to curse someone out then atleast do so in a language they understand. If your English is a bit broken that you don't know any cursewords, at a small fee I can arrange to run you through them.

Sunday, March 26, 2006 


(Rolling on the Floor Laughing My Ass Off!!)

If you want to see the funniest football bloopers in history then click here. Even if you can't appreciate how funny it is, at least enjoy some quality music producing from the english studios.

P.S. For those of you that do not know much about football, half way through the video where the guy in the black top and shorts gets hit, its the referee that gets hit!

Post Update

Sorry about the broken link, it is now fixed.


Table Tennis

If you haven't seen this video you must see it now - really good.


Talk of the Town But I Don't Know Why

This video was posted on
and got close to a thousand comments! It is slightly creative and all, but I haven't yet figured out why it is the talk of the town, maybe because everyone is trying to find out exactly that.

Friday, March 24, 2006 

I recommend...

This is a must see blog, packed with news, videos, comedy and a lot more.

------Best Week Ever-----



All for the Bush

This post is dedicated to "The Bush".

When it comes to President bush, it really is not difficult to find something hilarious. I therefore compiled this post of a number of funny clips and some jokes

1. Bush Bumps - Joke

A driver is stuck in a traffic jam on the highway. Nothing is moving. Suddenly a man knocks on the window. The driver rolls down his window and asks, "What happened?"
"Terrorists have kidnapped George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Condi Rice. They are asking for a $10 million ransom. Otherwise they are going to douse them with gasoline and set them on fire. We are going from car to car, taking up a collection."
The driver asks, "How much is everyone giving, on average?"
"About a gallon".

2. Bush Medals - Joke

"President Bush's campaign is now attacking John Kerry for throwing away some of his medals to protest the Vietnam War. Bush did not have any medals to throw away, but in his defense he did have all his services records thrown out." —Jay Leno

3. Iraq a Test - Joke

"President Bush is going to establish elections there in Iraq. He's going to rebuild the infrastructure. He's going to create jobs. He said if it works there, he'll try it here." —David Letterman

4. What Disease? - Joke

"Last night, in a prime-time address, President Bush said he backed limited federal funding for stem cell research. That's right, the President said, this is a quote, the research could help cure brain diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and whatever it is I have." —Conan O'Brien

5. Stevie Wonder - Joke

"When Stevie Wonder took the stage at the Kennedy Center, President Bush waved to him. Realizing his faux pas, President Bush turned to his wife and said, 'Oh my God, do you think he saw that?'" —Tina Fey. Saturday Night Live's "Weekend Update"

6. Bush Comedy - Video (Excellent!)

7. Sovereignty - Video (repeat from old post)

8. Presidential Speechalist - Video

9. Frank Caliendo's Bush Impression - Video

...and thats abou it.

Thursday, March 23, 2006 

Celebrity News Blog

A blog deicated to celebrity news is Updated daily with current affairs in the celebrity world. The good thing about it too is, if you don't anything interesting here you have loads of other clebrity blogs and websites to choose from in the links.

One particular article I came accross is Pete Doherty is Cracked Out. Not that I am trying to tell you something you don't already know, neither do I care that he is on a heroin drip, I only mention this for two words in the article "Kate Moss' ex-boyfriend and Babyshambles lead singer, Pete Doherty, snorted heroin minutes before an interview with Rolling Stone's Mark Binelli in a drug den in Hackney, England..." - Place of birth, place of humble abode.

Other celebrity links include A Socialite's Life and Hollywood Tuna.

I know it's a bit old but I thought I would share this South Park episode that the cheff got all ticked off about (scroll down for the froducers on Jay Leno promoting their new sitcom Thats My Bush) :

"Thats My Bush":


Bedford England

England is unarguably unique in the image it portrays. I am sure you guys have watched an odd few movies set in London, 007 perhaps or maybe even Green Street Hooligans*. In my opinion, it is a beautiful place with some rough edges that give it its character. The furthur you go away from London the more you feel this.

Being a "born and bred" English boy I appreciate the homeyness (madeup word). Take a peak here where someone has dedicated a blog solely to pictures of a suburb in England. The graffiti, the mailboxes, the open parks, the boats and even the scary looking woods are all factors of me growing up, with the rain ofcourse.

*If you havent watched this film then rent it. It's all about football hooligans, but the amazing thing about it is that it is really not far from the truth, paints auite an accurate picture of what an innocent football game consists of.


Welcome New Blogger

With the indirect ecouragement from some unkown friend, Beautiful Disaster (alias name) has opened up her own blog "Beautiful Disaster".

Lots of luck.

P.S. Be proud, a whole post dedicated to you.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 

Blogger Game Blindly Accepted

From comment in by beautiful disaster

Theres this game that bloggers play where they interview each other asking 5 (non-personal) questions.

The rules are something like:
1) Leave a comment asking 5 questions
2) Blogger answers the questions
3) Blogger updates blog/site with the answers to the questions.
4) Blogger includes the rules and can offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5) When others comment asking to be interviewed you will ask them five questions.

So here are my questions:
1)Q: If you were in a really bad mood, Whats the one thing that would cheer you up?
A: Good song
2)Q: What is your favorite website?
A: Jew in London, what is better
3)Q: On a date would you ever let a girl pay half, even if she really wanted to?
A: Yes, not much of a fighter, especially if my answer to Q5 is option a, would rather leave through the front door hand in hand than out the back on a stretcher.
4)Q: If you had one wish, only one, what would you wish for?
A: Truthfully, only to be happy with what I have already. But that aint never going to happen so I will have to say...a lot of money (consider my position: student, trying to live off £6 an hour and has expensive dreams....)
5)Q: You’re presented with 3 girls:
a) Shes pretty, nice but is not so slim.
b) Shes nice, slim, but not so pretty.
c) Shes gourgeous but not so nice.Which would you choose?
A: a

To add to this though, I am going to add to the rules and probably break the rules too.
Add to the rules: You must have a profile in order to spread this post (hint hint nudge nudge, a nod as good as a wink to a blind bat), we don't want your life story, but at least a blogger account "beautiful"
Break the rules: Can't gurantee it will go any further than this post, but this one is bendable.


XP Bug

You may not believe me but try it anyway. If you are using windows XP, try to create a new file named "con", it is impossible. Try it for yourself!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 

Hey DOG what the heck?!

...gotta be the funniest dog picture ever!


Arts and Crafts of Today!


Which Celebrity??

Can you guess which celebrity this is?...thats what I love about cartoons - exageration.

Monday, March 20, 2006 

Variety of Posts from a Variety of Blogs Again

First of all I would like to thank A simple Jew and Airtime Daily for your appreciation. Keep up the interesting posts and it will be my pleassure to share them with my viewers, which will hopefully start picking up.

I hope you found the earlier posts interesting or somewhat interesting, because that was the idea. I don't and can't promise that everything I reccomend will interest you but I do offer a short synopsis so you can chose what you think might be interesting.

Here are some more recommendations:

  • From A simple Jew again I would recommend you check out some of his short one-liner inspirational posts. Examples are How to Give Tzedokoh and In Context (showing you that everything good has a shell). I also discovered a truely inspirational link The Baal Shem Tov (MOVIE) that walks you through a history of the Baal Shem Tov, a truly spiritual man, and gives you direction in how to follow in his footsteps.
  • I didn't find anything at Random Thoughts particularly intersting that I could link to in this post, but I do enjoy visiting this site as it is constantly updated, and he does write well - check it out.
  • For a couple of political catoons you can click here from Dutchblog Israel. In general he has quite a few posts with cartoons, mainly political.
  • Randomly chosen link from Random Thoughts braught me to Rishon Rishon where you can find out all you need to know about The Art of the Blog.
  • From MY URBAN KVETCH I discovered post Jewtube: Not-Exactly-Kosher Viral Video with a couple of funny links. I will say that I am not sure I approve of some of the links, I foresure don't understand their purpose. You can check out the first link foresure - slightly humorous.
  • Wow, I am going to say that this post is a must read, and you must click on the link in it: By 2025, all Jewish genitals will dry up and we shall die of disease. The title speaks for itself! (From Jewschool)
  • For no strange reason this blog title caught my eye - Nice Jewish Girl. Her profile says "United States. Female. 34. Never been kissed.That is all you know about me, and all you need to know." I am not sure why this blog is so popular with hundreds of comments on every post, but I must say that with posts like Nice Jewish Girl has been kissed and I am OK., it is quite ammusing. The posts are very long so I didn't really have the patience to read a full one, maybe you will.

  • I will leave it at that.


    Englands First Car Pool Lane!

    England finnaly got there act together and are building a connection between two major highways for car pooling. This is something that has been around for a long time all over the states and reduced the amount of traffic there. England believes it will shorten the journey from these two locations by an average of eight minutes. News from

    I think it is a great step for England, now they just have to widen all there streets and make five lane highways, then maybe I will be more inclined to drive and not have to constantly squeeze in unused parking spaces to let other cars go by.

    One other thing I think we should give up, while I am on the subject, is: I don't think judges should still be wearing those wigs. I know it doesn't sound very patriotic to Regina, but it is getting a bit outdated. This opinion is partly influenced by a Monty Pythons Flying Circus episode, where they mock the judiciary system and clothing, I don't remeber which episode it was but it was very funny, if i find it I will post it.

    Good day

    Post Update: Talk of the devil!

    ...litteraly just came accross this as we speak. You tell me?


    Home Town Boy

    I just discovered how many blogs there are out there that are ranting about Stamford Hill and how bad it is. Here is a a list I came accross:

  • A Working Girl
  • Frummer
  • Knifedge Kvetch
  • N16 Chat
  • The Epitome of Perfection in Teenage Naivity
  • The Other Side of the Fence
  • The Shaigetz - Do it My Vaai (Even made it to the Jewish Chronicle)
  • To be fair I will add that alot of the content is genuine blog material. Interesting opinions, rants and amused.

    Feel free to add to the list, it'll be interesting to check out some others.

    Sunday, March 19, 2006 

    Hilarious Videos

    Funny videos of pranks and others are largely entertaining. Everyone likes a good laugh and everyone appreciates them especially when the joke is on somebody else. Most people don't really wish that pranks like these were done on themselves, unless you are a good sport. Are you a good sport?

    Having internet access since I was 13, I came accross loads of funny video clips of which I will try to pull up on this post. Ispired by a couple of recent ones, here they are with some more:

  • Random Thoughts is currenlty showing two hilarious videos: The Water Bed Prank and Play Simon Say with Mad Mullah. Of the two I find the forst one funnier. I think this is because I am not exactly sure what is supposed to be going on in the second one, you tell me. Maybe a short synopsis will inspore you to chose which to chosose. The Water bed prank is a video in a department store where a normal looking water bed is a real water bed in that when you sit on it you get wet! and this is repeted numerous times to different people. The second one is a music video combined with some sort of speech from a seemigly "ordained" arab who goes crazy and looks as if he is a performer for the music video.

  • From this blog comes a larious video of George Bush, whom we all know so well, answering a question on sovereignty. This one is deffinately worth a peek, there is only one person who can do this.

  • From comes another video that is deffinately acted out but still as funny as if it wasn't. The Glass Door Prank is a hilarious prank played on someone using a glass door! Funny how the title describes the description! My reccomendation is to watch this one at least twice to understand what is going on and to appreciate the slickness.

  • Prabably one of the oldest prank videos I remeber from the internet is this one with the Electric Shock.

  • Even if you have seen this one it will always be funny: Garage Door Prank.

  • How about acting dead?!

  • A few on elevator pranks, #1, #2 and #3.

  • Not neccesarily funny but this one is cute. What would the simpsons look like if the characters were real? Find out here.

  • You will be surprised how many talented people there are out there. The Piano Juggler, Skateboard Tricks, Pool Tricks, and some Motorbike Tricks.

  • Hope you enjoyed some of these videos, I will be back with some more so keep posted.


    Blogger Art

    Not much of a photographer myself, but i do appreciate good (understandlabe) paintings and photos. I take photos from time to time but none of which qualify for National Geographics. I did recently take a photo that by chance came out really well:

    ...laugh all you want, the focus is really perfect and its the best in a long time.

    While browsing through some of the photo blogs out there, i stubled accross some interesting ones, take a look:

    This photo was taken by Erica Shires. You can view more of wrok here.

    This photo was taken from Tango Photo.

    Astounding art! This photo was taken from Radar Family.

    You can check out some more great art at JM Colbergs web log Conscientious. His weblog has been around since July 2002!! Deffinately worth a look at if you are interested in art, and what is available on the net.

    Saturday, March 18, 2006 

    Consecutive Numbers

    In my browsings i came accross an interesting article on the meaning of consecutive numbers. I am not at all supersticious but it was interesting anyhow.

    Note: from Rob in the Netherlands

    I had been practizing the Merkaba meditation now for almost one and a half year. This I had learned from a facilitator from The Flower of Life which, as an ancient secret and very powerfull meditation, has been brought back to earth by Drunvalo Melchizedek. According to Drunvalo the numbers have the folowing meaning and in these final times will repeatly show up in our lives because of the proces we have to go through.Here they are:

    Three of more of the same number (digital clock 2:22, 11:11, etc.) 111: Energy flow * Enhancing whatever level you are presently in *

    111 or 1111 Energy flow of water, money, sex, kundalini, magnetic
    It happens when one of these energies manifests.

    222 or 2222 In the middle of the proces of resurrection or the proces of ascension

    333 or 3333 A decision number. Either one of the folowing can happen: 666 = material world or 999 = spiritual world.

    444 or 4444 The Resurrection number.

    555 or 5555 Christ consciousness

    666 or 6666 Material world, chosen reality.

    777: Symbolizes an integration of some portion of the four lower bodies with higher spiritual frequencies within the third-dimensional plane, or at level in which you are manifesting your physical reality on the Earth plan

    888: Symbolizes infinity * The unified spiral of the physical merging with the Spiritual * Moving toward the completion of the ascension process through the energies of the 222 and 444

    999: Symbolizes the three levels of the triune * completion

    000: Great Void * Experiencing a null zone * switching or moving into a new energy field 11:11 Beginning of a whole new level or phase of development * Another dimension or frequency of experience * A PORTAL WAY OPENING *12:12 A COSMIC CONNECTION * A bridge to the future * Signifies a level of completion or graduation Pay attention to clocks, license plates, perhaps what you were doing at the time you sae that particular number.......what were you thinking, etc.I have found these to be very much a signal or sign after I have asled a question etc.

    To read about its origin and others click here.

    Friday, March 17, 2006 

    Blog Exploration

    I just discovered that at the top every blog page there is an option called "Next Blog". When clicked, it will take to a randomly chosen blog. If I am not mistaken, it only takes you to blogs that have been updated on the day.

    Here are some blogs I came across in my venture:
  • "To share my passion for jazz, record collecting and other jazz projects" at Keep Swinging. Verdict: Quite new but may contain a couple of interesting posts in the future.

  • "Because life already is strange ..." at Random Quirkiness. Verdict: Alot of one liner posts of irony and funny sayings. Very nice for quick ammusement.

  • "In this game, our images become catalysts. In place of domino pieces, we play with photos. Our gaming surface is your computer screen. We begin with one photo and respond with another. To that photo comes another, then another, then another . . . . The only rule is that the game must continue. We find meaning in the game's movement, order in its progression. The product: a chain reaction crashing towards infinity. Let the game begin." at Tangophoto Domino. Verdict: Very new with only two posts. However it looks like this one will contain some interesting photos. For some visiual entertainment.

  • At this point I came up with the following message:

    Blogger Problem
    This server is currently experiencing a problem. An engineer has been notified and will investigate. Status code: 1-500-11
    Please visit the Blogger status page or the Blogger Knowledge Base for further assistance.

    But it seems to be working on AOL's browser...(?)

  • "Software engineering/architecture/development, CAD, AutoCAD, ADT, VB.NET, VBA, AutoLISP, Access, SQL Server and more" at JTB World. Verdict: A bit too complicated for me as they are talking about alot of programs that i am not familiar with. I did come accross a couple of posts that did have some interesting bits. For some extra knowledge on a day when you are not feeling too lazy.

  • "We put the dumb in Random" at Random Thoughts from NYC. Verdict: Has been posting since February 2004! Has a lot of posts with a bunch of very funny photos which is always a plus. It looks like it will always have something interesting to view. Also has link to "much better blogs" but i did not check them out yet.

  • "We come from the land of the ice and snow, From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow. The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands, To fight the horde, singing and crying: Valhalla, I am coming!" at Hammer Of The Gods. Verdict: Obviously a hyge Led Zeppelin fan. Every post is of pictures and song listings of different concerts performed by Led Zeppelin. The coolest thing about it thought, is that you can download full albums of concerts from links in the site for free!

  • "This is a place for my 'Illustration Friday' entries, 'EveryDayMatters' challenges, personal artwork, experiments — failed and successful, recipes and stories." at Julie's Pictures. Verdict: Blogger since May 2005. Loads of posts with very creative paintings and illustrations. A good place to come and check out some art, a run through the archives is also a reccomendation.

  • "No Name but doesn't need one" at Vinny's Blog. Verdict: Being a big motorbike fan it doesn;t have to have great content for me to rate it as "awesome", but I will tone it down a bit and say it is "cool". A lot of sexy bikes, cool road trips and interesting stories - what more can you want?!

  • And at that I will bid you good day and leave you wil an overall verdict: pretty interesting, i will deffinately be back to do this again.

    Thursday, March 16, 2006 

    Recommended Posts

    A day late for this purim broadcast but you can still check out this video "Young Israel News" at Airtime Daily.

    People are also ranting about Dov Ber's flashback post in honour of Shushan Purim, and how the comments are so awesome.

    X Lubi blogs about Jew School proclaiming that Matisyahu is Moshiach.

    Jack Shacks Random Thoughts also blogs about Matisyahu, why do some people love him whilst the other hate him? While you are there you might want to check out Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend that has a nice twist in the writing.

    David at Israellycool, who are currently number 3 at Technorati Jewish Blogs, turns 32. I guess if you know David then it's cool.

    A Simple Jew shares some beautiful paintings of Elyah Succot, while also sharing an e-mail recieved from a "space cadet"!(?)

    This will be all for today, as it is late and have not manged to get through alot of blogs.



    Women of ZH"L

    Original post located at Jew School blog.

    The post links you to a site that has many photos of the women section of zh"l. Amazing to see women in military garb performing a service for the country, and they look real good!

    You can go straight the galllery here at Rachel Papa's exhibit Serial No. 3817131.




    I don't think this site will get the most hits or comments for creativity, as I am not of the most creative people. This blog will probably contain compilations of posts that I find in my ventire through the blogs out there.

    You will find that my posts will cover huge variety with regard to their content. Therefore I hop that you find something that interests you.

    About me

    • I'm Pesach
    • From London, United Kingdom
    • My profile

    Israeli News Feeds

    Radio Stations

    All the Rest

    Recent Comments

    • Blogger Pesach on 4:23 pm
      Making me rant thats foresure.
      Godd shabbos to you too.
    • Blogger Karl on 12:32 pm
      I used to have about 1Gb of Israeli music mp3 (and about 3-4 of other) until my computer died and I lost it all. Thankfully I have most on cd and have built up some of collection again. I can't say i listen to radio much as havent found station I totally like yet, but will check these out.
    • Blogger Pesach on 4:07 pm
      Same story here, had about a gb of isreali stuff too, but i must have forgot to back it up once. TG I still have my other 17gb of other stuff, got it on a n external harddrive now.
    • Blogger Pesach on 3:50 pm

      This website does not tolerate sarcasm.
    • Blogger Pesach on 8:42 am
      Hehe. Sadly, it took until the second or third time that they said it that I realised they were poking fun.
    • Blogger Pesach on 3:44 pm
      How dumb do you have to be?!

      Here is a funny story I heard: Dentist accidently pricks herself with a needle from an injection just used on a patient. The patient sees this and feels obligated to tell the dentist that she is HIV positive. The dentist runs off to hospital in a panic only to be accompanied by her practising nurse who also "accidently" pricked herself with the same needle, after she new it was from this patient, when trying to dispose of it! Now how do you explain that?! (story is 100% true believe it or not)

      re post: I admit that some of them were not so funny, but were you not laughing your ass off by some of them?!
    • Blogger Jack Steiner on 9:08 pm
      Had to add South Park to my blog. Thanks.
    • Blogger Pesach on 12:42 am
      Pleasure. Free to pass around.
    • Blogger Pesach on 12:46 am
      Yo know my name, my age and where i am from...but i have never even met you. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you have a sixth sense though.

      On the same note it would be nice to know a bit about mistery girl.
    • Blogger Pesach on 5:24 pm
      Old english proverb. Good luck with your blog, I posted this blogger game that is supposed to makes blogs interactive and personal - just an attempt as your PR manager.
    • Anonymous Anonymous on 11:45 pm
      Theres this game that bloggers play where they interview each other asking 5 (non-personal) questions. The rules are something like:
      1) Leave a comment asking 5 questions
      2) Blogger answers the questions
      3) Blogger updates blog/site with the answers to the questions.
      4) Blogger includes the rules and can offer to interview someone else in the same post.
      5) When others comment asking to be interviewed you will ask them five questions.

      So here are my questions:
      1) If you were in a really bad mood, Whats the one thing that would cheer you up?
      2) What is your favorite website?
      3) On a date would you ever let a girl pay half, even if she really wanted to?
      4) If you had one wish, only one, what would you wish for?
      5) You’re presented with 3 girls:
      a) Shes pretty, nice but is not so slim.
      b) Shes nice, slim, but not so pretty.
      c) Shes gourgeous but not so nice.
      Which would you choose?
    • Blogger Jack Steiner on 10:33 pm
      Thanks for the links.
    • Blogger Air Time on 6:21 am
      Hello -

      Thanks for the link in this post and on your blogroll.
    • Blogger Pesach on 6:00 pm
      Your welcome. I hope there will be more.
    • Blogger A Simple Jew on 7:19 pm
      Thanks for the links :)
    • Blogger Pesach on 10:32 pm
      Always a pleassure, keep your posts interesting and post some more.
    • Anonymous Anonymous on 12:30 pm
      I know they are beautiful.. Im a girl and i think their hot.. Its like something so delicate in something so rough. Its unfair yet gorgeous at the same time..
    • Blogger Pesach on 5:59 pm
      No better way to describe it. And how beautiful is this one?!
    • Anonymous Anonymous on 6:39 pm
      I know, you can see her innocence.
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