Tuesday, May 30, 2006 

No Army Like Israel

I know I say that all my videos are a "must watch", however this one is really a must watch! Make time for this 45 minute video of the raid on a nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981. The attack was majourly critisized by almost every politician in almost every country, however a couple of years later when America had to go in there was not one person that did not recognise that it would have been extremely difficult if not for this brave mission.

The video when I watched it was slightly jumpy and the sound did not always keep up with the video, but it is an amazing video never the less. This video displays tactic, courage and everything that us as a Jewish Isreali nation had to and have to go through. Make the time to watch it and pass it onto your friends.

The story of the IAF's attack on the Iraqi Nuclear reactor near Baghdad in June 1981.

Monday, May 29, 2006 

The Ultimate

Ever imagined a race between a Yamaha R1, a Porsche and a Jet Fighter?! Me neither, but this is what it would look like:


Honda Again

If you have been checking this blog often you may have come across another post about Honda adds. This post is another confirmation that Honda know how to make the best ads in England.

Watch this one:

Chain reaction advert, with Honda Accord.

And just a bit of history to go with it:

There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in the film . Everything you see really happened in real time exactly as you see it. The film took 606 takes. On the first 605 takes, something, usually very minor, didn't work.

They would then have to set the whole thing up again. The crew spent weeks shooting night and day. By the time it was over, they were ready to change professions. The film cost six million dollars and took three months to complete including full engineering of the sequence.

In addition, it's two minutes long so every time Honda airs the film on British television, they're shelling out enough dough to keep any one of us in clover for a lifetime. However, it is fast becoming the most downloaded advertisement in Internet history. Honda executives figure the ad will soon pay for itself simply in "free viewings" (Honda isn't paying a dime to have you watch this commercial!). When the ad was pitched to senior executives, they signed off on it immediately without any hesitation - including the costs.

There are six and only six hand-made Accords in the world. To the horror of Honda engineers, the filmmakers disassembled two of them to make the film.

Everything you see in the film (aside from the walls, floor, ramp, and complete Honda Accord) are parts from those two cars. The voiceover is Garrison Keillor. When the ad was shown to Honda executives, they liked it and commented on how amazing computer graphics have gotten.

They fell off their chairs when they found out it was for real.

Oh. and about those funky windshield wipers. On the new Accords, the windshield wipers have water sensors and are designed to start doing their thing automatically as soon as they become wet. It looks a bit weird in the commercial.

And here is the Honda-Advertising-Director-Wanna-be:

based on the honda acord advert but in lego (no where near as impresive as the advert) look out for the frame with my hand in as it is stop motion animation.

The amazing thing about it is that I was watching another ad on TV, and half way through I said that that it had to be honda. It is a bit of a strange one but I thought it was cool (and I found it on Google!):

Truly excellent, multi-award winning advert for Honda. Awards include "Television Advertisement of the Year" in the British Television Advertising Awards.



Maybe Now?!

I thought I'de share with you a humorous e-mail, that talks straight to the point, that I received recently.

For those who don't know, Dennis Miller is a comedian who has a show called Dennis Miller Live on HBO. Although he is not Jewish, he recently had the following to say about the Middle East situation:

"A brief overview of the situation is always valuable, so as a service to all Americans who still don't get it, I now offer you the story of the Middle East in just a few paragraphs, which is all you Really need.

Here we go:

The Palestinians want their own country. There's just one thing about that: There are no Palestinians. It's a made up word. Israel was called Palestine for two thousand years. Like "Wiccan," "Palestinian" sounds ancient but is really a modern invention. Before the Israelis won the land in the 1967 war, Gaza was owned by Egypt, the West Bank was owned by Jordan, and there were no "Palestinians."

As soon as the Jews took over and started growing oranges as big as basketballs, what do you know, say hello to the "Palestinians," weeping for their deep bond with their lost "land" and "nation."

So for the sake of honesty, let's not use the word "Palestinian" any more to describe these delightful folks, who dance for joy at our deaths until someone points out they're being taped. Instead, let's call them what they are:
"Other Arabs Who Can't Accomplish Anything In Life And Would Rather Wrap Themselves In The Seductive Melodrama Of Eternal Struggle And Death."

I know that's a bit unwieldy to expect to see on CNN. How about this, then:
"Adjacent Jew-Haters." Okay, so the Adjacent Jew-Haters want their own country. Oops, just one more thing: No, they don't. They could've had their own country any time in the last thirty years, especially two years ago at Camp David.
But if you have your own country, you have to have traffic lights and garbage trucks and Chambers of Commerce, and, worse, you actually have to figure out some way to make a living.

That's no fun. No, they want what all the other Jew-Haters in the region want: Israel. They also want a big pile of dead Jews, of course --that's where the real fun is -- but mostly they want Israel.

Why? For one thing, trying to destroy Israel - or "The Zionist Entity" as their textbooks call it -- for the last fifty years has allowed the rulers of Arab countries to divert the attention of their own people away from the fact that they're the blue-ribbon most illiterate, poorest, and tribally backward on
God's Earth, and if you've ever been around God's Earth, you know that's really saying something.

It makes me roll my eyes every time one of our pundits waxes poetic about the great history and culture of the Muslim Mid east. Unless I'm missing something, the Arabs haven't given anything to the world since Algebra, and, by the way, thanks a hell of a lot for that one.

Chew this around and spit it out: Five hundred million Arabs; five Million Jews. Think of all the Arab countries as a football field, and Israel as a pack of matches sitting in the middle of it. And now these same folks swear that if Israel gives them half of that pack of matches, everyone will be pals..

Really? Wow, what neat news. Hey, but what about the string of wars to obliterate the tiny country and the constant din of rabid blood oaths to drive every Jew into the sea? Oh, that? We were just kidding.

My friend, Kevin Rooney, made a gorgeous point the other day: Just reverse the numbers. Imagine five hundred million Jews and five million Arabs. I was stunned at the simple brilliance of it. Can anyone picture the Jews strapping
belts of razor blades and dynamite to themselves? Of course not.

Or marshaling every fiber and force at their disposal for generations to drive a tiny Arab State into the sea?Nonsense. Or dancing for joy at the murder of innocents? Impossible. Or spreading and believing horrible lies about the Arabs baking their bread with the blood of children?


No, as you know, left to themselves in a world of peace, the worst Jews would ever do to people is debate them to death.

Mr. Bush, God bless him, is walking a tightrope. I understand that with vital operations in Iraq and others, it's in our interest, as Americans, to try to stabilize our Arab allies as much as possible, and, after all, that can't be much harder than stabilizing a roomful of super models who've just had their
drugs taken away.

However, in any big-picture strategy, there's always a danger of losing moral weight. We've already lost some. After September 11th our president told us and the world he was going to root out all terrorists and the countries that
supported them. Beautiful. Then the Israelis, after months and months of having the equivalent of an Oklahoma City every week (and then every day) start to do the same thing we did, and we tell them to show restraint.

If America were being attacked with an Oklahoma City every day, we would all very shortly be screaming for the administration to just be done with it and kill everything
south of the Mediterranean and east of the Jordan.

Please feel free to pass this along to your friends. Walk in peace! Be Happy! Have a wonderful life!

Thursday, May 25, 2006 

Research, Is It Worth It?

CAPE CANAVERAL, FL—Officials at the Kennedy Space Center announced Tuesday that they have set Aug. 6 as the date for launching $700 million from the Denarius IV spacecraft, the largest and most expensive mission to date in NASA's unmanned monetary-ejection program.

"This is an exciting opportunity to study the effect of a hard-vacuum, zero-gravity environment on $50 and $100 bills," said NASA Administrator Michael Griffin, who noted that prior Project Denarius missions only studied space's effect on fives and singles. "Whether the money is immediately incinerated because of hard radiation, or freezes in the near-absolute-zero temperature and shatters into infinitesimal pieces, or drifts aimlessly through the cosmos before being sucked through a black hole into another dimension, it will provide crucial information for our next series of launches, which will consist of even greater sums of money, in larger denominations."

Denarius IV, the fourth in a series of unmanned monetary-dispersal probes, will leave Earth's atmosphere at 36,500 miles per hour—the highest velocity at which money has ever departed the planet.

Said Project Denarius lead scientist Dr. Lou Weaver: "The craft's time-release hatches, using cutting-edge ATM money-ejecting technology, will systematically discharge the currency at intervals of $50,000 every three seconds. Cameras on the craft's exterior will capture images of the bills as they majestically pirouette into the heavens, dotting the black void of space with elegant spirals of green." Until now, the image of money floating in space was available only through artists' renderings.

Far more ambitious in scope than the previous missions of $88 million, $110 million, and $375 million, Denarius IV is a two-stage spacecraft. Its solar probe, Croesus, will disengage from the main craft in October and release $12 million into the sun. The craft, with its remaining payload of $688 million, will travel across the solar system, reaching Jupiter by June 2007. Once there, it will eject the money from the cargo bay in what will be the largest single financial deployment in NASA history.

"This is just another step in our long-term goal to put $1 billion on Mars," Weaver added.

NASA is continuing to perform extensive endurance tests on portions of the $700 million, including acclimating it to extreme atmospheric pressure by deploying a sample stack of $200 million to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean; strengthening its resilience in high-temperature conditions by sealing it in airtight containers and lowering them into the lava flow of Hawaii's Mauna Loa; and replicating the high-acceleration environment of space travel by shooting bundles of dimes out of magnetic-rail accelerators at thousands of feet per second into giant axial fans.

Some in the private sector are attempting their own currency-expelling spaceflights, including Virgin CEO Richard Branson, whose Virgin Galactic plans to eject £2 million from the still-theoretical SpaceShipThree orbital aircraft. Yet Griffin felt confident that NASA is far ahead of its private counterparts and rival state-run space agencies, saying that Project Denarius will be the "jewel in the crown" of taxpayer-financed space exploration.

Although polls indicate that a majority of Americans support the NASA mission, some fear a repeat of 2003's Denarius III disaster, in which hundreds of thousands of dollars burned up in Earth's atmosphere when the ship exploded shortly after leaving the launchpad. Reports suggest that one of the craft's solid-gold money clips failed during liftoff.

NASA officials dismissed the risk, saying that, should the mission fail, the lost money could be replaced by any of the other stores of $700 million the agency has in reserve, and that the mission could be re-launched as early as January 2007.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 

Nice Neiaz

If you live for the news, then this website is one for your favorites list.

Vos Iz Neias is "Breaking news and community news that might be to your curiosity as it happens, before you get it from your news source" that has over thirty contributors, so you are not only bound to get all the news you also get it from all view points.

Loving the blogging world to the fullest, there is anything and everything here.


Led Zeppelin

I covered this already in a previous post, however I thought I would bring it up again.

If you are a Led Zeppelin fan, then this blogspot is the one of your choice. I came across it a couple of months back while clicking on the "next blog" option, on a really boring day. I have decided to bring it up again because I just went back to check it and it has been updated many times since.

It is packed with posters, news and fully downloadable albums of every Led Zeppelin concert and albums! Every tour, every show and even private rare recordings that are not available to the general public. This is deffinately heaven for you Led Zepp fans out there. I hope you find it interesting.



Original Advertising

I you haven't seen this add from Honda UK for whatever reason, then watch it now! You might even want to check out how they made the addvert to, see below.

Honda’s ‘Civic Choir’ TV ad has been viewed online more than three million times in just one month.

The clever advert for the new Civic features a 60-person choir ‘vocalising’ the experience of driving the car.

The 120 second live action ‘film’ was viewed by more than three million visitors to Honda.co.uk from January into February this year.

The huge demand crashed Honda’s servers, as the website’s bandwidth couldn’t cope with the number of downloads of the 7MB file. This problem has now been solved by hosting the Choir clip on a separate 100MB line.

During its peak, the Choir advert also broke into the Top 50 Apple downloads chart, after Honda produced a version of the advert in iPod Video format.

To complement the ad campaign, Honda has also launched a Civic microsite on www.honda.co.uk that allows visitors to explore a 3D model of the new car and view video content. The microsite had a record 679,000 unique visitors during the same reporting period. This led to Honda's highest level of test drive bookings ever.

Click here to see the making of this add.


Introduction to Google Current

Google Current is an up to the minute look at what the world is searching for. In this episode, new friendsterlike website called 'Where Are You Now'

Host: Kinga Philipps Aired: 05/22/06

Keeping you up to date on whats current on Google!


Topic for Discussion - Preassure

Take a look at the following article.

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Two Australian miners said on Sunday they felt like "trapped rats" when they were stuck deep underground for 14 days and had planned to cut off each others pinned legs with small knives to free themselves.

"Yeah, we were prepared to take our leg off if we had to, to have ourselves free," Brant Webb told Australia's Nine television network, the first time they have told their story since being rescued on May 9. "I was just going off me head, I just thought I was a caged rat."

Miners Todd Russell, 34, and Webb, 37, were trapped almost a kilometer underground after a cave-in on April 25 at the Beaconsfield Gold Mine on the southern island state of Tasmania.

A third miner, Larry Knight, was killed in the cave-in.

Russell and Webb were trapped in a small wire cage, under tonnes of rock, and survived on drinking mineral laced water until rescuers managed to dig a small tunnel to feed them fresh water and food.

Webb bathed Russell's injures from the cave-in two to three times a day using medicines squeezed through the small tunnel.

"He had a lot of rock bites," said Webb.

Digging through rock five times as hard as concrete rescuers freed the two miners on May 9. The two walked uninjured from the mine shaft in what they described as "The Great Escape."


Webb and Russell said they were both buried under rock, their legs pinned, following the cave-in and had to dig each other out with their bare hands.

"Both my legs were pinned," said Russell. "I kept saying to Brant I got to get out, I gotta get this rock off me."

"I was getting toward my last breaths. The pressure was getting that bad around the chest and cavity areas … I was starting to vomit fluids," he said.

"I was aware with a crush injury we had to get me leg free within a four hour period because the toxins in the body can transfer and kill you," said Russell, a trained mine rescuer.

Webb said both miners were buried under so much rock that they could not see each other, despite being within arms length inside the wire cage.

"There was a couple of feet between us, but I couldn't see him. I was buried. I was buried up to my armpits, so all I could do was say, 'look buddy we've got to hold on," said Webb.

Webb said he was falling in and out of consciousness as he dug with his bare hands, but as he removed one pile of rocks more would fall into the cage.

Eventually Webb freed himself and began digging out Russell.

Russell said he thought he was going to die.

"I said to my self, I am not dying here, I'm not dying here. It would take more than a bit of rock to stop me," Russell said.

"We made a pact from that day, 'it's just Brant and I', and that pact is going to stay as strong as it is now for the rest of our lives," he said.

Once freed from the rubble the miners said cave-ins continued for days. As they awaited their rescue the two men said they wrote letters to their wives and children. Webb wrote messages on his cigarette packet. Russell wrote on his overalls.

Once a small tunnel, which fed them food and water, reached them they were able to sent messages to their families.

"We had tears, we had laughter, we showed each other letters, we shared everything," said Webb.

To relieve the stress as they listened to rescuers setting off explosions to reach them, the two miners cracked jokes and sang the only song they both knew — Kenny Rogers' The Gambler.

The miners story has captivated Australia and international media. The two miners sold their story to Nine and its affiliated magazines for a reported A$2.6 million. ($1.89 million). They are also reported to be flying to the United States to be interviewed by a major television network.

It is obviously very difficult to set yourselves in their position to figure what you would have done, but what do you think your feelings would have been like? Would you go into histeria? How long would your histeria last for? What would you do once you had calmed down? How easy would it have been to calm down? Which decisions would you agree to and which wouldn't you? How strong do you mentally have to be to stay underground in a small cage for more than two weeks?!

I personally feel that I would have had to use a lot of mental energy in order to survive and maintain my sanity, you really have to be tough to come out of something so dreadful. It would be interesting to hear your opinion on what you think would have been your approach and state in this situation.


Inspirational Quotes

The other day I picked up this little pocket book that was lying round the house that was filled with loads of inspirational quotes. I thought I would share with you a couple of the ones that I enjoyed.

When one door closes another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones whic are open for us.
-Alexander Graham Bell

Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or the last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.
-Betty Smith

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
-Aldous Huxley

I resolved never to do anything which I should be affraid to do if it were the last hour of my life.
-Jonathan Edwards

Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

In the long run the pessimist maybe right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
-Daniel L Reardon

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get.
-H Jackson Brown

Life is unfair but remember: sometimes it is unfair in your favour.
-Peter Ustinov

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
-Marie Curie

If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it.
-Jonathan Winters

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.
-Martin Luther King

When I was young I observed that nine out of ten things I did were faliures, so I did ten times more work.
-George Bernard Shaw

Never look back unless you are planning on going that way.
-Henry D Thoreau

Don't walk in front of me I may not follow, don't walk behind me I may not lead; just walk beside me and be my friend.
-Albert Camus (and Uncle Moishe!)

To forgive is human, to forget is divine.
-James Grand

Hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 

They Got it On YouTube

I had to post just one clip of Little Britain that I found on YouTube. Search for "Little Britain" and check out the rest of them.

Vicky Pollard (the ya but no but ya girl) in this clip from the series Little Britain.


Tribute to Little Britain

This for all those who are familiar with and for those that are not familiar with Little Britain.

For those of you that are not familiar with it, Little Britain is an English TV show created by Matt Lucas (jewish + gay) and David Williams (straight as they come). Based on many made up characters including "Vicky Pollard - Turbo tongued adolescent", "Daffyd Thomas - The only gay in Llanewi Brefi", "Andy - Invalid cared for by Lou Todd", "Lou Todd - Carer for Andy", "Emily Howard - Rubbish transvestite" and many others, the show is all about the life in Britain!

"Britain, Britain, Britain, land of technological achievement.We’ve had running water for over 10 years, an underground tunnel that links us to Peru and we invented the cat. But none of these inventions would have been possible if it had not been for the people of Britain and it’s those people we look at today."

It is an absolutely brilliant TV show filled with witty and nutty acts by only the best - the British.

Here is a short compilation of what you should expect to see when the show comes to you.

What you get when you mix Little Britain with the Black Eyed Peas.

We love you Little Britain, hope to see some full episodes come to Google Video soon.


No Accounting For Exploitation

If you are to do anything in the field of accounting in the UK, you are now required to learn "accounting theory". It is a bunch of BS, all it does is teaches you a lot of philosophy (just in case you thought you were going to avoid it), and how accountants act immorally and exploit high wages.

"No accounting for exploitation" was just one of the thirty articles we had to read on the subject, and basicly presents its case by arguing that directors get more than 200 times the wages than the average employee! I will not post my opinions on this blog, for the sake of world peace.

You can therefore understand, that when I came across this, I felt that I had to post it on my blog.

DONGGUAN, CHINA—In response to international criticism of Chinese workplace inequity and labor rights, China's National Labor Committee agreed Monday to establish an unpaid 15-minute break during the regular 18-hour workday, to allow pregnant women to "expel the child from their body, adjust to being a new parent, wash their hands, and return to work."

"During the last moments of childbirth, a female employee's productivity diminishes sharply," said Shanghai toy-factory owner Huang Wei, who noted that even the slightest whimper of pain or sight of a newborn's head as it crowns can distract an entire assembly line from the job at hand. "These women need a few minutes to rest and recuperate before returning to sew eyes onto stuffed animals in an efficient and satisfactory manner."

"Of course, this measure wouldn't need to be taken at all if pregnant workers could schedule their due dates for the annual holiday of May 1," Huang added.

When her contractions are coming at such short intervals that she is physically unable to attach a Barbie head, the female worker must report to the factory's lone bathroom stall, located four flights up from the assembly line. Once there, she is instructed to deliver the child within five minutes, which allows her sufficient time to get hosed down with hot water and mop up the surrounding area so that others do not slip in the afterbirth.

To prevent abuse of privileges, this 15-minute period also incorporates the one weekly bathroom break all workers are allotted.

Initial response among female workers has been positive, with most women preferring the new rule over the old one, which stipulated that the newborn child must remain where it lands on the floor until the woman's shift ends.

"Even though this maternity break means I will lose three of my 12 cents for that hour, it will be worth it just to hold my baby in my arms for a few precious seconds," said pregnant seamstress Yuen Yin, 19, just after her factory's quitting whistle blew at 2:47 a.m.

Despite the new, broadened time allotment, expectant employees are encouraged to speed the birthing process by breaking the amniotic-sac membranes themselves. The expectant mother will be responsible for thoroughly sanitizing every affected area, and will also be discouraged from using factory instruments such as tongs to facilitate the birthing process, unless it is the only means through which she can remove the baby before the allotted 15 minutes elapse. The new mother would then be docked three days' pay to replace the implement.

The Labor Committee also instituted an incentive plan granting a 40-cent bonus to any employee expecting a daughter who opts to use her 15 minutes to receive an abortion in the factory's storage closet.

Songgang shoe-factory owner Xiao Jianqi said he had considered adopting some of Micronesia's more liberal maternity policies, including an additional three minutes off for twins, 35 "personal minutes" for the child's first year, and a towel to wrap the infant in. But he decided that the new regulations were enough, and he did not want to give female workers more reason to agitate.

"If these Chinese employees' work ethic is any indication, I strongly believe these maternity breaks will go quickly and smoothly for the mother and the child, and that once the 15 minutes are up, both of them will return to the assembly line to continue working," Xiao added.

P.S. This article is for humerous purposes only, and is not intended in any way to be taken seriously. I do have my views on wage rates ("exploitation"), but I never the less do believe that women should get atleast 15 minutes off work to give birth.


Must Be the Best

A fairly long clip thats foresure, but anyone with a sense of humour and a wide range of music appreciation must watch this from beginning to end. (You might only be gay if you actually dance to it).

Comedian dances to clips of music from the 60's to the 2000's.

What did I tell you?!


Englands Elite

I love England, and not just because of the Queen. Us British have the most uinique , and you might say strangest, sense of fun and humour. Take for examples Mr Bean, Monty Python and all the other comedies that have passed through, there is nothing like them.

Here is just another example of what makes England unique. Check out this "advert" for Carlsberg beer. You tell me.



Now tell me that this is not slightly revolting!

Friday, May 19, 2006 

Absolutely Everything on Google Video

Two Yartzeit Tishen in 2005 in memory of the 26th Hillula of Grand Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, zy"a, Satmar Rebbe, author of ... all "VaYoel Moshe"

1.) In Camp Divrei Yoel in Swan Lake, NY, with the previous Satmar Rebbe, Grand Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, zt"l, and his sons, Rabbi Lipa Teitelbaum, shlit"a, and Rabbi Zalmand Leib Teitelbaum, shlit"a, and his son-in-law Rabbi Chaim Shia Halberstam, shlit"a.

2.) In Kiryas Joel, Monroe, NY, lead by Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, shlit"a, eldest son of the previous Rebbe, presently the Grand Rabbi of Satmar, shlit"a.

Thursday, May 18, 2006 

Just a Confirmation

Complete this test by first reading a brief story. You will then be asked a question. Think or your response before looking at the answer.

This is a story about a girl.

While at the funeral of her own mother, she met this guy whom she did not know.

She thought this guy was amazing, so much her dream guy she believed him to be, that she fell in love with him there and then.

A few days later the girl killed her own sister.

What is her motive in killing her sister?

Click on the "O" and drag it to the "X" to see the correct answer.

OShe was hoping that the guy would appear at the funeral again.

If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by a famous American psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took this test and got it right!


National Prank

If you play the national lottery online you will be able to get reminders to buy new tickets and they will even send you a notice when you win.

The other day I checked my e-mail and I see the following:

Dear Pesach,

We have some exciting news about the ticket that you bought for the Friday 12 May draw. Please Sign In to your Account at the National Lottery website for more details.

Kind Regards
Interactive Customer Care

Now I may be very opinionated about many things in this world but please take my side on this one. Is winning £6.50 considered exciting news?! Now you might say that "

The moral of the story is, that when you get an e-mail like this, don't call your boss and quit your job before you sign into your account. I was already planning on how I was going to spend the money when I saw this e-mail, I just had to reduce plans by about a millionth and settle for a schwarma.


"Proper" English Bobby


Not Your Average English Bobby


Animusic Update 2

I have stumbled across these most incredible animation music videos, and I cannot get enough. For some reason people did not seem to respond as extaticly as I thought they would when I posted the previous two, I have watched them almost ten times since I uploaded them.

Maybe it's just my unique taste, or maybe it's just your strange non-appreciation of such talent. Regardless, I have decided to post some more animation clips, and if not for you guys to watch it will be there for myself. (I still think you should watch them again and see if you appreciate them, eveyone who I have showed them to so far has been "eyes wide, jaw dropped and tongue rolled out" - if only for a bit of merry).

The first piece on the Animusic 1 DVD.

The second piece on the Animusic 1 DVD.

The third piece on the Animusic 1 DVD.

The fourth piece on the Animusic 1 DVD.

The sixth piece on the Animusic 1 DVD.

"...Wayne Lytle's first full multi-instrument music animation, More Bells and Whistles, premiered in the Electronic ... all Theater at the computer graphics trade show SIGGRAPH in 1990. It has won numerous awards and has been screened in several different countries...".

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 

Giant Summit

Here is an amusing article posted on a humerous news web page:

After his militant Islamic party took the majority in Palestine's recent elections, Ismail Haniyeh called for a "giant summit with all living Israelis" Monday, rekindling international hopes for peace in the war-torn region.

Haniyeh characterized the one-day summit as "the final solution to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute," and invited every Jewish citizen of the world to attend. Haniyeh said he expects more than 5 million participants from Israel alone.

"It was foolish of us to think that a satisfactory resolution could be reached through small-scale aggression," Haniyeh said. "It will take more than the sporadic deaths of small groups of Israeli civilians to achieve our ends."

"This summit is long overdue," he added.

Haniyeh, who once said that Palestinian independence could only be achieved through the destruction of Israel, has apparently reversed his stance.

"It is clear to us now that a positive outcome will not be possible unless many, many sacrifices are made," Haniyeh said. "I give my word that the Israeli people shall have their cries for peace heard for miles around."

Haniyeh did not disclose the issues that will be discussed at the summit, saying only that he "would be very surprised if the entire process took longer than a couple of hours."

Haniyeh also extended an invitation to any high-ranking American official who would like to moderate the proceedings.

"We will achieve our goals with or without foreign help," Haniyeh said. "However, if George W. Bush or other top-level U.S. officials wish to attend, it would certainly make those first, most difficult steps a lot easier to take."

In a public statement Tuesday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad endorsed the "Hamas-led peace process," and offered the use of Tehran's Azadi Stadium as an "impartial location away from the distracting glare of publicity."

"It is about time for a summit of this nature," Ahmadinejad said. "The people of Iran will do anything they can to help further this crucial process."

According to Haniyeh, Israelis need only arrive with an open mind, insisting that the summit can have a positive outcome only if traditional and long-standing prejudices "are left at the door, along with any weapons, gas masks, or bulletproof vests."

"Security is of the utmost importance, which is why the summit will be watched over by my most loyal and experienced men," Haniyeh said. "To this end, every Israeli will also be marked with a six-digit protection number."

Hamas has already gone to significant lengths to ensure that Israeli Jews will be able to attend the summit, including transportation via specially chartered freight trains.

"Very much like a cleansing fire, the summit will wipe the slate of Arab-Jewish relations utterly and irreversibly clean," Haniyeh said. "By the end of our negotiations, those who walk out of the summit will be very pleased."

"With the blessing of Allah, we will soon see every last obstacle standing in the path to harmony exterminated," Haniyeh added. "Like the filthy dogs they are."

No official response to Hamas' summit proposal has yet been made. However, it is widely believed that acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his cabinet will propose an alternative mass summit to which Hamas party officials and their Palestinian supporters will be similarly welcomed.


Toot Tone

I have been pondering, from since they day I turned thirteen, on how to overcome this problem, this has certainly dealt with one aspect of it.


FBS "Joker" -- kitten video!

Hilarious home made music video that won a contest.

After she won the make-a-video contest: let's go see Fatboy Slim with 25 kittens!

Fatboy ... all Slim's take on "The Joker" originally performed by the Steve Miller Band.

kitty feline cute meow adorable remix cover animal norman funk techno synth

Monday, May 15, 2006 

Relief Isn't Even the Right Word

I have finished my exams for year two at University! (And I think I did pretty well, which is surprising because I didn't do much work).

Good luck to all those who still need to take their exams, and blessings to all that have also finished!


Cabbi or IT Specialist?

This is the funniest news clipping I have seen in a long time. It was sent to me by e-mail from a friend, and I thought I would share it with you.

The article is about a mistaken identity of an IT specialist who was supposed to be on BBC television. The cabbie was ushered into the interview room after accidently raising his hand to called out name, and had to answer questions that were very strange to him! Not only was the cabbie not of the same ethnic background as the IT specialist, he also spoke with a funny french accent.

Click here to read and watch the actual interview!

Friday, May 12, 2006 

Qualities (?) of a Taurus

Random Thoughts, who's birthday is also in May and holds the same taurus sign, worte a post on the characteristics of the Taurus. I never really studied my sign or even looked much into it, but it was interesting to read.

Here is his post in which you can find what is said about me (us)! Not your run-of-the-mill type of guy, special, like my Mother always assured me.

Thursday, May 11, 2006 


Found thses videos on Google Video, they are absolutely fantastic. Here is what the site had to to say:

Animusic is a content creation company. Our principal focus is the production of 3D computer graphics music animation. We primarily create original content, such as our "video album", but have also produced animation for clients.

Both the graphics and the music are entirely digitally synthesized. Virtual instruments are invented by building computer graphics models of objects that would appear to create the sound of the corresponding music synthesizer track. Graphical instruments range from being reminiscent of existing instruments to arbitrarily abstract.

From the fist Animusic DVD. Pipe Dream has been voted one of the best 3D animation projects ever (by 3D World magazine). Metal balls fly out of PVC pipes, land on percussion and string instruments, and sound out an instrumental piece of music.

From the Animusic 2 DVD - A robot band kicks out an odd-time, laser-infused techno-rock tune while riding on top of their musical starship.


The Day I Was Born A Number of Years Back

The only way I figured that I would get some birthday wishes or even perhaps birthday presents is if I let people know!

As a kid I always too shy to get anything. My borthers and sisters would come home with piles of shopping, from socks to suites, and who paid for it? "Daddy". I was running around working my guts off just to buy myself some tissues in the winter. My friends would come to my house open the fridge, take my stuff and all without any worries.

I then realised (I think when I turned 20) that the only way you get things is if you stick your foot in the way. People are lovely poeple, and they would love to give you stuff. How do you know that the guy you just went out to eat with is not willing to pay for your meal, did he say so? How do you know that noone is gonna buy you a porsche, did you ever ask anyone? The truth is I once mustered the courage to ask my father for a porsche (I told him he should buy himself one, and since he doesn't drive much...), he almost made me start paying rent, I din't ask again.

The point is - you don't ask, you don't get. It is my birthday and I would like a porsche, and if you are kind enough you can also cover the insurance till I turn 25. You are the best. Oh and I am not fussy, i'll take the one you are thinking of giving me, I won't say no.

Also wishing my Taurus blogger buddy The Next Contender a Happy Birthday. I would have wrote earlier, but there was a postal strike (no punn intended). I guess it only works with cards.

Just for a little sympathy my way here, I am celebrating my birthday this year trying to understand the "true and fair view" in accounting, the buggers couldn't figure it out themselves so they have to ruin my one day a year. Last year they decided that marginal costing was also more important, I don't know where they get the cheek. Although I do have my birthday hat a whistle here, so after all it isn't that bad, it could have been worse.

Bidding you good day.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 


Awesomely Long List Of Ortho-Blogs is a long list of Ortho blogs!

Recently advertised at Prety Green Eyes is this (above) fantastic blogspot that not only lists a full list of Ortho blogs it also has a list of the most recently updated ones too.

My only complaint is "where am I"?


Here O Brother

Due to the readers being guitar fans (appreciators) and due my newly self-appointed job as my brothers PR manager, I would like to share a track composed, played and sung by my brother.

This track has a real history to it. It was composed for a good friend of my brother, who very unfortunately has terminal cancer and does not have long to live. The boy loves nothing more in the world than music. My brother therefore got together a couple of other guys who played instruments and they put together a three track cd for him.

This particular track was composed by my brother, and it was about not giving up even in the times where there does not seem to be any point. He is also singing and playing the guitar. The other two songs were tracks that they covered from other bands.

Besides being a beautiful and emotional song, you should listen out for the guitar lead and rythm. This is newer than the video I recently posted, and it is really good (and this is almost two years ago already!). Here it is:


Tuesday, May 09, 2006 

Pet Store Fun

Although my blog is involentarily (well...) becoming a Google Video blog, this video was just irresistable - not for my mouse-phobic friends though. (Mouse-phobia, aka Musophobia, is a subcatagory of Zoophobia, see here for a full list).


The King of Kings

I was a bit hesitant in publishing this video on my blog, but due to all the readers of this blog (precisely two) being guitar fans I decided that I would publish this.

He is my younger brother and I am jealous. This video is of my brother jamming with a friend a number of years back , I would say about three or four. It is a fairly long video and it all just jamming, no real songs, but he is just amazing. And this is then, he is a far better now.

I will also have to say that he is better than our recent "isreali" guitarist by far. Here is is:

Watch it while it is still here, I may change my mind and remove it from this blog, it is without his consent.


This post will stay, my brother is cool with it.

Sunday, May 07, 2006 

Amazing Guitarist Kid!

I don't know who this is or anything about it, all I know is that I found this in the randomly selected videos on Google Video - it is just a kid who play amazingly, there is no hope for us.

Monday, May 01, 2006 

Quick Quote

"Why is it that my road to success is always under construction?!"

Thanx for that Farkrumteh Velt.

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  • I'm Pesach
  • From London, United Kingdom
  • My profile

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Recent Comments

  • Blogger Pesach on 1:14 am
    Glad to hear your a fan too!
  • Blogger Pesach on 1:15 am
    Just saw it again on TV today, love it just as much.

    Sales must have shot up.
  • Blogger Pesach on 5:00 pm
    Yup I think so, I love Google. I actually met a guy at a Friday night dinner who works for Google! Had a whole long chat with him.
  • Anonymous Anonymous on 2:47 am
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  • Blogger Pesach on 1:29 am
    And I always thought Uncle Moishe was smart ;)
  • Blogger Pesach on 1:08 am
  • Blogger Pesach on 1:13 am
    I hope you mean that it isn't slightly revolting only totally revolting.
  • Anonymous Anonymous on 6:53 pm
    hey, so i guess everyone does their own thing with their blog... you certainly have.
    cool. when billy bob's sound card (bc hes good but i can give him up if i get something better) starts working again, maybe ill even be able to get some sound from these clips.
  • Blogger Pesach on 12:40 pm
    My blog equals "A compilation of the many posts and news I read at other blogs etc. Occasional self composed posts are possible."

    Hope you enjoy them when you get your sound working.
  • Blogger Pesach on 1:17 am
    I think I kinda prefer that BD. Isn't it better than being a "ranter of rubbish"?
  • Blogger yoniQua on 6:35 pm
    I think ive seen too many chick-flicks. yuck -
    i thought she killed her sister cuz.. oh, maybe the sister had married him and the sisters hadnt seen eachother in yrs - till the mothers funeral. terrible.
    ok, thank G-d. i dont want to kill...
  • Blogger Pesach on 3:22 am
    Glad we share the same humour ;) I find this stuff hilarious
  • Blogger Pesach on 11:39 am
    Perverted humour is usually the funniest - it's the english laugh. As the saying goes "there are good jokes, and there are clean jokes"
  • Blogger Pesach on 12:27 am
    Perverted as meaning "distorted: having an intended meaning altered or misrepresented; "many of the facts seemed twisted out of any semblance to reality"; "a perverted translation of the poem"
  • Blogger Pesach on 10:59 am
    I knew you guys were all still taking exams, so I figured I would just spurr a little jealousy ;)

    Last night (the night after my last exam) I got wasted! I had to make up for all the many weeks that I stayed off the drinks. Party hard when you finish, it is your fuel for a new year.
  • Blogger Jack Steiner on 1:18 am
    Happy Birthday- Mine was on the 9th.
  • Blogger Pesach on 10:53 am
    BD: I study right next to my computer, so it's during the numerous breaks that I find the time. Besides, I only have one exam left on Tuesday!

    Jack's: Happy Birthday. Group of Tauruses hey?! Don't know much about the sign just that we are stuborn.
  • Blogger Pesach on 4:47 pm
    I didn't check for yours, but it should be in alphabetical order.

    It is quite sad that there are so many issues (people with issues)out there, I don't wanna kill myself yet. There is so much beauty out there, people just seem to focus on the negative though.
  • Blogger Pesach on 9:49 pm
    I haven't composed any songs in my life, my talent is not in those areas unfortunatley. I do sing to my nephew some songs that even I don't know where they come from, I am sure if I recorded them they would be worth a penny or so.

    I did back my brother up with rythm for both my sisters weddings, so who knows, maybe there is talent out there for me. He composed both those songs too and I didn't help him...begining to doubt.
  • Blogger Pesach on 4:43 pm
    TNC: It's a small world after all. Amazing.

    PGE: Don't let anyone tell you you don't know how to count, 4 is excellent.
  • Blogger Pesach on 12:34 pm
    I was hesitant, and I am still unsure whether I will keep it. I thought the same though, he is good so people should know. He should think of me as his PR manager.

    I can't play like my bro. I play a bit of rythm and if you give me a basic song I can play it for you, but thats about it, no lead or anything like that. I haven't kept it up either, so...
  • Blogger Pesach on 4:38 pm
    The truth is that when I asked him if he minded, he said he wasn't sure because it was when he really wasn't that good! You should see him play now, unbelieveable.

    As his PR manager, I will shortly be posting a track that he composed - great song.
  • Blogger Pesach on 4:40 pm
    Glad you enjoyed all enjoyed it.

    TNC: You can only really appreciate if you watch the whole thing, because it has ups and downs.
  • Blogger Pesach on 4:48 pm
    He is pretty good.

    It is from google video (http://video.google.com). They have an option called "embed" on the right hand side of all the video's. Copy and paste it into a post, "html editor" only. Make sure you don't switch to "compose" before you publish, I think it messes it up.

    Hope this is all not jiberish to you.
  • Blogger Pesach on 5:22 pm
    Same place. If you don't already have google mail, you can set up an account at Google Video.

    You then have to download a program that allows you to upload videos. Google will verify the contents of the video and make it "live" usually within a day (sometimes more, like on weekends).

    See the site for all the details. It is an awesome website, you can upload as many and however big videos you want, and they are saved in your profile for good.
  • Blogger JB on 6:16 pm

    Oh yea - Hi Pesach :-D
  • Blogger Pesach on 6:23 pm
    Hello to you too JB! We always find the time to blog, with all the exams and stresses in the world. ;)
  • Blogger Chasidishe Shaigitz on 11:56 am
    Your very welcome!
  • Blogger JB on 11:12 pm
    Hire a better construction crew! Those government paid workers...::shakes head:: ;)
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